Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Today, I learned the ropes on delivery making! Webwear is constantly making clothes and we have to have them delivered to the different buyers!! I got to go inside the headquarters of some of these major shopping place. Anyway, after Charlotte(another intern) showed me the ropes, we were free to explore and we just SO HAPPENED to come across a shoe store!! I took a picture of this shoe because of the TACKS in the heel!! London DEFINITELY takes FASHION to the next level and that's why I CAN'T live here. HERE, I feel like I'm wearing nike shorts and an oversized t-shirts(even though I'm dressed up) compared to these people. At least when I'm at school, I stand out and I look GOOD doing it!! #justsaying
JELLY BEANS!! I remeber these from my childhood. I had some pink ones but when I would go play outside, I would come home with BROWN ones!!!
Get these shoes and more at... office.co.uk!! :)
All I want out of this store is a pleated skirt and blazer and my life would make SENSE!!! Family and friends...my birthday is coming up (*hint hint*) #justsaying
"Weak road" If it's weak, I'm going to need you all to SHUT IT DOWN!!
This was a glorious day at work!! I came in and my first task was to throw away clothes...AND...take anythings that I fancied!! And I did exactly that!! Most of these clothes were in small sizes but I did find some for me!! These are clothes from previous buying samples.  Buying samples are the clothes that WebWear makes to show the client before they purchase the clothing for their stores!! HIGHLIGHT of my day! :) After that, I had to do some fabric swatches...some more fabric swatches...and some MORE fabric swatches! My boss had a meeting with Urban Outfitters so, I had to help her get everything together; making copies and putting the ideas from yesterday's magazine searching and put them together for my boss. Now, it's' time for my lunch break and I go to grab my purse...and I see that my bags are gone that I put my free clothes in!! So, I FREAK OUT (but undercover freak out...didn't want people in the office think i'm psycho!) Anyway, I went on my lunch break (which is supposed to be a JOYFUL time) with my lip poked out and I looked like someone had stolen my dog! Anyway, when I got back, I reported to my boss for my next assignment. Next thing you know, she told me she put my bag up because the men had almost mistaken it for a bag of fabric to be given away!! I smiled so HARD and I went crazy happy!! (I think she thought I was crazy for a second!) Anyway, the rest of the day was smooth sailing!!

"All things work for good to them who love HIM, who have been called according to HIS purpose."
-Romans 8:28

Day #2!!

 Heading out for work...I was actually 5 minutes late!! I got on the wrong tube!!
 So, this was around the time when the Obamas were in town... when I saw these soldiers in hot suits on horses, I just KNEW the president was riding through and guess what...................IT WASN'T!! I was sooo disappointed! How the Elizabeth number TWO...NOT #1...BUT 2, get to see Barack and Michelle and I can't even get a close up! I'm writing a letter to Liz #2 (she has yet to invite me for tea) and a letter to the Obamas expressing my depression of not being able to see them in England or the US(the fact that I'm American really takes this to another level).
Now that I think about it...EVEN KATE got to meet the Obamas!! SMH
 This is another picture I took while my hopes we up high!! ;-P
 I'm guessing these were cannons the horses were carrying...I just wish I knew this before I stopped to take pictures and waste my time!
Hello Everyone!! This is my second day of work and I'm writing this a week later...#don'tjudgeme! Hopefully, I'll get caught up today on posts!! When I got there, I had to finish my unfinished duties from yesterday! I had to put up the fabrics that I folded. This seems like an easy task, if you're the "Fabric Whisperer." When my boss told me to put them up by softs, heavy, and something else , I don't remember! Anyway, the heavy were pretty easy to figure out. Fabrics that are usually used to construct pants or "trousers" (as the British would say...pants are conisdered undergarments) are considered heavy. When I would ask my boss were to put it she would feel it and within the next second she could tell where it went...ME, on the other hand! I would feel the fabric for about 15 seconds (you could tell I didn't know what I was doing) and still wouldn't know where to put it! After about 30 minutes and increase of ash on my hands, I started to get the hang of sorting fabrics. There is still lots to learn about fabrics and I look forward to learning about them! After I finished, I went and helped two ladies with their presentations for a company(don't know if I can put names on here) they present to tomorrow in GERMANY!! cOOl, I know!! I got insight to another part of Webwear. These ladies do graphic designs for different companies and it's quite amazing to see what they do. Hopefully, I'll be able to tap into my inner graphic designer while I'm here. VERY EXCITED!! Once I finished, I was back to filing patterns and cost sheets. Also...I can't forget the coolest part of my day! We provide clothing for Urban Outfitters and we will have a meeting with them tomorrow. They have requested a design for a new trouser so, my boss had me searching through different magazines and some printouts for new ideas for the Urban Outfitter trouser. I thought that was cool that I get to help with new trends!! AWESOME!!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

"Left a good job down in the city...workin' for the man every night and DAY!!!"

Hola Viewers!! I know I'm behind on the posts; hopefully, I'll catch up today!! This picture is from my first day of work. Just in case if you were wondering "Why is she in London", let me break it down to you! I am a part of program called EUSA, which is a study abroad program from internships. I am interning at WebWear! They are a leading women's clothing manufacturer in the UK! They design clothes for ASOS, Urban Outfitters, New Look, Lipsy, etc. I report to work on Monday through Thursday from 9:30-5!! Working the 9-5  is no joke!! (I'm now thinking about becoming a professional student, as a career!! Shouts out to ALL the "Professional Students" out there! You're the SMART ones!!) #justsaying
       Anyway, my first day of work was very productive...if you consider folding fabrics productive!! My duties consisted of photocopying, filing, and folding fabrics!! But forreal, I enjoyed my first day!! I finally got a chance to meet some friendly Londoners! I think they like me too...hold up...I KNOW they liked me...have you seen me SMILE?!!!! :) The first thing I had to do was to attach cost sheets to different designs and file them. I learned about how they do the different sizes of clothing, which was quite interesting! Then, I was put on duty for folding fabrics! NOT AN EASY TASK!! Have you tried folding chiffon... that stuff does NOT stay folded!! So, I found a trick to it!! I roll it up, fold over the edges(makes it look folded), and i put it at the bottom of the bin! #ididmybest Also, I had to bag old fabrics so they could be given away! They let me take some fabric home which was AWESOME!! When I come home, I going "Project Runway on yall!!" I am very excited about working for WebWear! This is a HUGE opportunity for me to learn all the different aspects of design and merchandising!! I even get to apply some ACCOUNTING techniques as well!! :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Hello fear, you're time is soooooo UP!!"

Back home, I attend Word of Faith Christian Center. Well, it just so happens that we have a satellite church in ...London, England!! AmaZing! So, I got my happy self up and went to church. I took pictures on my phone of the map from mapquest(we don't have printers) and I got on the tube and headed to church!! The church services are held at Regent's College, which is right off of Regent Park. I could tell that this was the more expensive side of London because of the houses I saw! They actually had space and they weren't "ALL UP ON each other" like the rest of the houses I've seen! Anyway, I really enjoyed meeting all the wonderful people at church!
 The day started when I say the Skittle's crew!! Everyone in this group had different color hair! Let's just put it like this...they were Skittle Heads on Legs!!! The green- haired one was short(I wonder in her earlier days, did she play a smurf??) and in front of the purple!!

I have a video, but I'm having some technical difficulties!!! To be continued...
 Kiyah(she has a laugh like NO OTHER!!), ME, and Tameka(I have a feeling I misspelled that!)
 Shiloh, Minister Ramsey, and ME!!
 Kathryn, Yolanda(she had just come back from vacationing in Africa), and Cherrica
 The next time I see Yolanda, I'm going to put it all on the table...and ask her can I have that PURSE!! I hope she doesn't say no!! #WWJD
 Regent College courtyard! Very nice! This school is one of seven private higher learning institutions...basically...you need to be ROLLING IN POUNDS to attend here!!
 Kiyah's River Island purse!! Love!

 Hasta Luego RC!! I'll see you next Sunday!!
 So , this is the normal part of England! Here is were you'll see grass, people with grocery bags NOT Gucci bags, trees, and they also have a "T.K. Maxx"...(you're probably guessing what that means)...in our language that means T.J. MAXX!!
 They even have a SKATE PARK in their park!!
 Ahhhh, fresh air!! I can inhale without choking on other people's smoke, inhaling the smells from the Arabian food stores(smells like...i'm going to leave that alone!), and the random smells of "rubbish", that's what the British call garbarge/trash!
 They are Kiyah's adorable niece(in the back) and nephews!! I took a lot of pictures of them but I posted this one because that is so cool how the ball is!! I soo have madd skills on the camera!! But honestly, for all the fashion magazine readers, doesn't he look like the little boy from the Polo Kids Ad?!!
 They have kool-aid in London?!! Duhhhh!!! Let me stop, I didn't even know!! I was sooo tickled by this!! Obviously, the owner doesn't know anything about kool-aid because he only sales "Sharkleberry Fin"...???...#neverheardofthatflavor...he could of least sold the tropical punch, grape, or blue raspberry!! #justsaying
 Why does there cable box remind you of an xbox or a Wii on steroids!!??
 ??? So, this is Tameka using a spoon and eating directly out of the KIWI!! I was told that eating it like this is less complicated!!
 This a juice that Kiyah got me out of the store! It was tasty, however, it was slightly mango-y!! I'm definitely not a fan of mango!! I can't take the fruit seriously!! I mean, who are you? It's like you want to look like peach-apple-pear but you can't bring the flavor to the table!!
Why thank you Tesfa for gracing my page!! And this is exactly how I'm going to close this post off!!


Bonjour my fellow viewers!! So, here's the deal...I sort of got lazy on Saturday and I didn't take any pictures! Ooops, my bad! I'm just going to tell you about my first Saturday experience in London. My main goal for Saturday was to do a little shopping! I got up around 10 but didn't get out of the bed until 12! Got dressed at 1 and I took a break because I was tired!(I'm still getting used to the 6 hour time difference.) After my long break of an hour and 49 minutes...(so I'm super lazy, you know you are too)...and I headed on out to catch the tube to Knightsbridge. Knightsbridge is where the Harrod's department store is located(world's largest department store) as well as the Alexander McQueen display. There were soooo many people out, it was RIDICULOUS!! People were bumping into me and hardly anyone understood what "Excuse me" or as the British say "Pardon me" means. When I went into the stores, the lines( they say "queues") were extremly long and there were so many people in the them!! Shopping was wearing me OUT...especially when I saw the PRICES. This is how shopping goes for an American in London: You're in the store and you spot a piece that catches you're interest or something that you know will look good on you: then, you put it next to your body and you look at it from different angles. Now that you've grown madly in LOVE with the piece and you have made up in your mind that you're going to get it...you look down at the price...and get excited like "Yea, I'm going to get this!!" Then you realize that you are an AMERICAN and you have to multiply that tag price TIMES 2.5 and your jaw drops!! You THROW that hanger back so quick on the rack and then you get mad at EVERY person in the store!! Your feelings are crushed and you go get something to eat...not because it will make you feel better...but because it is the CHEAPEST thing in London!! #justsaying

Monday, May 23, 2011

"It's Friday Friday, Gettin Down on Friday!"

 Look who decided to join VTorriousLiving...It's Prince William and Princess Kate!
 Annnnnddd AGAIN!! This won't be the last time either...they're all over the place(well at least their pictures are!!)
 You better "BLOCK!!"
 Welcome to Pimlico! This is were we took our field trip to! At the very moment I took this picture, I was...some kind of...HUNGRY!! The next picture shows were I went to solve this temporary issue...
 I had my first... "FISH & CHIPS." That is one of the dishes associated with London. It was good, I must say; however, it wasn't anything special! When I took a bite out of it...I felt like I was in an oversea's...CAPTAIN D's!! But I can say that this was the best food I had all week, so far!!

Goodbye White Swan!! We shall meet again!!
 Nice scenery!
 J'adore!! :)

 Cafe area in front of the Tate Britain.
 Getting closer...and closer...and

 VOILA!! We made it to the inside!! Enjoy the Tate!!


 Mmmmm, inteerrestinggg...
 Art in so many shapes and forms!!

Love this chandelier!! It's like Easter on a candle!!!
 Closer view!!
 I actually really liked this one!! Anyone familiar with "The Thinker" sculpture done by Auguste Rodin??
 Do you know any of these people??? Young people don't even try...continue scrolling...#justsaying
 Answers: Michael Caine, Michael Cooper, Mick Jagger, Paul McCartney, Susan Murray

 Your guess is as good as mine...
 Au Revoir Tate Britain...Here we come BP!!
 I should be a photographer...or paparazzi...either way, I take random good pictures!! #changingmajor
 This is me stalking...(don't judge)...I was in love with that blazer!!!
 Couldn't get the blazer so, I settled for a picture!! Little did she know I had BEEN following her...
 You better strut...
 Look who it is...???...what did they do to get their own bag sold on the street?...GET MARRIED!!!
 America: Flooding, high-waters, etc
London: STYLE(you see this quite a bit, even when they're standing)
 Getting closer to the BP...
 It's the Reuben Hotel! Never heard of it but I think it's a top-notch hotel!
 I wish I could get married, get diamonds, be a REAL princess(NOT the Disney kind), have a sister who gets famous for wearing a nice dress, get rich, and have to do nothing for the rest of my life(except make special appearances)!! Who's with me?!!! just kidding...I love my life just the way it is; however, there's always room for improvement!!
 If you thought "BP" meant gas station...EXIT this page immediately!!!!

 The golden gates...(partially)
 Hot tourist spot!
 BP= Buckingham Palace(this is where the Queen rests her sweet, little, gray-haired head)
 ME + Buckingham Palace = VTorriousLiving

 Get away from the gate people...You are NOT going in...

 That didn't stop me from going to the gate!! Let me in...GOSH!! These gates are irrelevant!! #justsaying
 Forget you Akon, I'm locked OUT....  they won't let me IN!!
 Goodbye BP! The next time I see you, I want to see the inside!!
Ok, we get it...we know that's the Queen's residence!! Red roads, locked gates, and crowns on light poles...smh...They are doing the MOST!! 
 Girl, get out the street riding that bike! We get it...You're going GREEN!! Shoot, I'm going .........for some ICE CREAM!! Any takers?!!!!
 Look at there, It's Big Ben from a far!!
 Nice scenery!
 Viewers meet Mother Goose...Mother Goose meet my viewers!! Today MG is going to teach you how to speak Squirrel!! No joke, that lady was talking to that squirrel...I wonder does that squirrel go to Ole Miss(hotty toddy insider)!!
 It's the world's largest ferris wheel!! The London Eye!!
 Back of the Prime Ministers house!
 I have some mad camera skills!! "Everybody ain't able!!"

 How are you going to protest in an English speaking country...and NOT speak English!!?? IDK. Ask this guy and he'll tell you!! Just make sure you have a...TRANSLATOR!!
 Another picture of BIG BEN
 Oh, my...it's the...THE...QUEEN!!
 There are just so many sides to Big Ben!!
 Dude with a skirt + Bag pipes = Me taking a picture
 I really want a white blazer!!
 Dinner is served...

Pub= bar &dining
The smart pub owners put the bar downstairs and the dining area upstairs! So, if you don't want to deal with foolishness that comes along with drunks...go upstairs and have yourself a nice dinner!! And that is exactly what I did!! Just to put this out here, you don't have to drink to have fun!! If you disagree, you don't know how to have fun!! :-P