Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Hello fear, you're time is soooooo UP!!"

Back home, I attend Word of Faith Christian Center. Well, it just so happens that we have a satellite church in ...London, England!! AmaZing! So, I got my happy self up and went to church. I took pictures on my phone of the map from mapquest(we don't have printers) and I got on the tube and headed to church!! The church services are held at Regent's College, which is right off of Regent Park. I could tell that this was the more expensive side of London because of the houses I saw! They actually had space and they weren't "ALL UP ON each other" like the rest of the houses I've seen! Anyway, I really enjoyed meeting all the wonderful people at church!
 The day started when I say the Skittle's crew!! Everyone in this group had different color hair! Let's just put it like this...they were Skittle Heads on Legs!!! The green- haired one was short(I wonder in her earlier days, did she play a smurf??) and in front of the purple!!

I have a video, but I'm having some technical difficulties!!! To be continued...
 Kiyah(she has a laugh like NO OTHER!!), ME, and Tameka(I have a feeling I misspelled that!)
 Shiloh, Minister Ramsey, and ME!!
 Kathryn, Yolanda(she had just come back from vacationing in Africa), and Cherrica
 The next time I see Yolanda, I'm going to put it all on the table...and ask her can I have that PURSE!! I hope she doesn't say no!! #WWJD
 Regent College courtyard! Very nice! This school is one of seven private higher learning need to be ROLLING IN POUNDS to attend here!!
 Kiyah's River Island purse!! Love!

 Hasta Luego RC!! I'll see you next Sunday!!
 So , this is the normal part of England! Here is were you'll see grass, people with grocery bags NOT Gucci bags, trees, and they also have a "T.K. Maxx"...(you're probably guessing what that means) our language that means T.J. MAXX!!
 They even have a SKATE PARK in their park!!
 Ahhhh, fresh air!! I can inhale without choking on other people's smoke, inhaling the smells from the Arabian food stores(smells like...i'm going to leave that alone!), and the random smells of "rubbish", that's what the British call garbarge/trash!
 They are Kiyah's adorable niece(in the back) and nephews!! I took a lot of pictures of them but I posted this one because that is so cool how the ball is!! I soo have madd skills on the camera!! But honestly, for all the fashion magazine readers, doesn't he look like the little boy from the Polo Kids Ad?!!
 They have kool-aid in London?!! Duhhhh!!! Let me stop, I didn't even know!! I was sooo tickled by this!! Obviously, the owner doesn't know anything about kool-aid because he only sales "Sharkleberry Fin"...???...#neverheardofthatflavor...he could of least sold the tropical punch, grape, or blue raspberry!! #justsaying
 Why does there cable box remind you of an xbox or a Wii on steroids!!??
 ??? So, this is Tameka using a spoon and eating directly out of the KIWI!! I was told that eating it like this is less complicated!!
 This a juice that Kiyah got me out of the store! It was tasty, however, it was slightly mango-y!! I'm definitely not a fan of mango!! I can't take the fruit seriously!! I mean, who are you? It's like you want to look like peach-apple-pear but you can't bring the flavor to the table!!
Why thank you Tesfa for gracing my page!! And this is exactly how I'm going to close this post off!!

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