Saturday, May 21, 2011

London is a "Site" to see...sort of like ME!!

 Getting ready for the Scavenger Hunt! I was supposed to pick up the instructions between 9:30 and 10:30...This picture was taken at like 10:35!! Ooops!
 After this picture, I figured it was time to go!!
 Bon Apetite!
 This lady was standing in line at the ATM. I wanted to get a front view but I didn't want her to think I was trying to con her! I just wanted to show the mixing of different patterns.
 These are just some of the stops the subway or shall I say the "tube" makes. The tube gets you to the main streets and it's up to your feet and sense of direction to get you to your destination!! HARD WORK!!
 Oxford shoes! I plan on getting a pair before I leave!
 You better WORK IT!!
 Alexander McQueen!! If you don't know this designer...GOOGLE!! :) Fun fact: Kate's wedding dress was Alexander McQueen! This store was located in Knightsbridge. This part of London looks like the London on tv!! #justsaying
 Pose for the Camera now, CLICK!...
 "All-Star" Nation!!
 I know I can't afford anything out of there now...BUT one day!!
 Forever21, who?! H&M triumps Forever21, ANYDAY!! No competition!
 This was taken in Harrods! It's London largest store and the world's greatest department store! What's a Macy?! #justsayin They sell REAL Gucci, Louis Vuitton, etc. Since the retail is so high-end, they put everything on wire...To the CLEPTOS out there...Don't even try to get that FIVE-FINGER Discount!!

 Ahhhhhh!!! Another scarf!! They're taking OVEEERRRR!!
 Most of the guys here dress so...clean! I love it!
 Look who dropped by...Russell Brand!! Is that Katy??!! Just kidding...IMPOSTERS!!
 I wish I could've gotten a picture of her standing up but we were on the tube. She was so happy to have her picture taken! This outfit gives you a little taste of color-blocking, played safe!! Next time, block a little bit harder and you'll be FIERCE! #justsaying
 What we call a subway...they call a "tube!"
 Make that money honey!
 So this sign says "Please stand to the right!" I didn't see this at first and I was standing on the left and everyone was rushing past me and slightly pushing me! Then my roomate Kathleen told me to stand to the right! Then I saw this wonderful sign!!
 It's a black telephone booth!
 (from right to left) Skylar and Hannah from UT and VT from the land of HOTTY TODDY!
 I've made it to Trafalgar Square!! I love this place!
This video, along with the rest you will see, is kind of "ratchet" but I'm doing my best with what I, cut me some slack! :)
 Denim espadrilles! These are cute!
 EUSA put together a Welcome Party for us at the Foundation!
 Half of our VIP section!!
 Me and the girlies!! (From right to left) Hannah and Kathleen from UT, Jamie and Abigail from UA, and ME from Oooooole MISSsssss!
 Meet Night London!
 Forgot what this is...Sorry! This picture and the others below, I took from the tour of London. They were supposed to be in the previous post but I got tired! Sorry!
 Heading to Trafalgar Square!
 If you look closely, you see the steering wheel on, what we call, the passenger side! Welcome to London!
 Nelson's Column with the Lord Nelson statue on top.
 Trafalgar Square...
 It's the Golden Girls!!

 One of Lions surrounding Nelson's Columns. More of a Mufasa...not so much a Simba! #justsaying
 At Ole Miss, we have angry squirrels...In London, we have ferocious pigeons. They are nothing like US birds! When they see humans they don't fly...they
 Give it will never be ADELE! Just kidding! In order to play out here, you have to be licensed. I'm thinking the time it took to get the license, he should've been applying for a real job!! Just kidding! I am a firm believer in GOING AFTER YOUR DREAMS!!
National Photo Gallery
 I have to go eat there before I leave!
 I thought this said something else...Look away, look back quickly, and look away again. You see what I thought I saw!
 MAN BAGSSS...A nice way to say...PURSE!!
 Actor's Church!
 Taking a break from life...
 Pretty scenery
 Pizza "Hut"
 Random lady singing opera in a cafe!
 If Shrek can go international, why can't Walmart! I just knew London was going to have a Walmart! #justsaying

 Royal Symbol. This is where the Royals would enter this theatre
 The Wiggly Bridge! It was also in a Harry Potter movie!!(forgot which one the tour guide said)
 London's largest church
 You better PLAY that SAX!!
 Another view of the bridge!
 Nice scenery!
 "To be or Not to be...that is the QUESTION!"
 Picture of the Globe!
 London's Oldest Pub
 This was a real prison it's a museum! CLINK CLINK!!
London Ambassador Sally...Ole Miss Ambassador Veronica
She gave a great tour! Even though, we walked ALL OVER London!

1 comment:

  1. Hey V
    It is nice to see you enjoying yourself in London. I like your blog now, and I look forward to seeing more of you in the future. I know in the future this blog will explode.
    Martha B
