Saturday, May 21, 2011

I think I'm gonna...SCARF!!!

 So, I saw this girl with a scarf tied around her head and made a bow in the front! This trend was also in Teen Vogue! I decided to go for it today! OBVIOUSLY, the bow part didn't work out to well.(Those threads from the end of my scarf where "ALL UP IN MY EYE!") Overall, I think I will definitely try this again but with the right scarf!
 I embrace my round-face!! "HATERS GON HATE!!!"
 My outfit photography SUCKS! Anyway, this is a black one-shouldered jumper. I got it from It's Metro(would usually not buy anything from there but I had a change of heart that day) and I only paid about $8 for it! I also got a brown halter jumper for $7!
 "Throw some V's on IT!!" #justsaying
The inside of the National Gallery. They don't allow photography in the rest of the museum so this is the last picture you'll see of the National Gallery which is located in Trafalgar Square.
 I look a mess in this video but it's alright. I'll redeem myself in another's day video! #takemeasiam!

 I did another take of the video! I am definitely still getting used to this filming stuff!! Bare with me!!
 I'm in Dominoes(Yes, they have a Dominoes!) and I see this ad! If you don't go to Ole Miss, you should go to the next picture! Anyway, it reminds me of Ryan Felder when he was rocking the full-hair style! I should've zoomed in some more, so you can see it better!!
 Forgot to mention, Air Conditioning is DEFINITELY a luxury here. Our flats(residence) don't have A/C! We have to open out window and feel the breeze through the holes! To control our A/C, we have to either open the door more OR close it a little bit until it's where you want it to be! 

As you can tell, I didn't take many picture today. I got a little lazy and it probably won't be the last post like this! Sorry! Anyway, my day consisted of me going to the National Gallery which had free admission. It was quite amaZing!! Then, I went to find my work location. That was truly the beginning of a long day! I got on the tube and come to find out I had to switch to a different tube to get to my destination. So, when I get off of one tube, I see people running to catch the other tube because it was about to leave. My American self followed the crowd and got on the WRONG tube!! So, I had to travel about 20 hot minutes until I could get back on the right tube! I had to travel back those 20 minutes plus some to get to the tube that would take me directly to my destination! I finally made it to my stop and the next mission is to find the building! (Keep in mind, I'm HUNGRY!) I had a map which was ABSOLUTELY no help!!  For some of these people to LIVE in London, they have the slightest clue where to direct me! I'm going to wrap this story up because my hands are getting tired! I'm trying to write a post, facebook, dictionary, and youtube at the same's EXHAUSTING!! Back to the story, I finally ended up finding my job after an hour of: walking down a street back and forth(further and further each time), trying to go into Dominoes(I was pulling the door and it wouldn't open so I thought he had to buzz me in, still no admission into Dominoes), asking numerous people for directions, stopped back at Dominoes and realized that I had to PUSH the door(story of my life!), stopped at a outside market that sold retail and different raw fish (My nose endured smells no one should have to!), and finally I made it to my destination which was only about 10 minutes from the tube that I got off of!!

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