Thursday, June 16, 2011

Time for a CHANGE!!

June 6, 2011

So, there aren't any pictures of this day, but I'll give you an overview of today. Last week was the last week for Kirsten. She was an intern from Scotland and she helped me out and wasn't hesitant about giving me information! She taught me all the delivery routes and all that good jazz!
 The Oyster card is my way to get on the tube and buses...with a DISCOUNT!! Anyway, this is Kirsten's Oyster card...
This is MINE!! What's up with that?!!! She gets Kate and William and I get a picture of ME!! Sheesh! I'm writing to the Head of the Company! I want Kate and William...I'll even settle for a picture of the Queen on my oyster card!
Anyway, back to my work day. Today, my duties consisted of doing some filing, deliveries, and some swatching! At the end of the day, before I did my last delivery, I asked Tanille could I do some designing or some pattern making. Her answer, "Sure!" She also said that I had to wait till Wednesday because she had a meeting on Tuesday! I'm so glad I asked her! At first, I was a little scared to ask because I didn't have ANY experience with designing and pattern making; but, one thing I LOVE about WebWear is that they are willing to HELP!! All you have to do is put your best foot forward and the rest will get taken care of! 


It's Sunday(June 5th) and you know what that means...CHURCH TIME!! Once we made it to church, I noticed that there were motorbikes EVERYWHERE!!

 If I were a Power Ranger, I would choose the pink one!! :)

 He should've left this at home...
 The ladies had to get in on the action!!
It went on for a while...

 After church, we headed back home and you know what that means...SUNDAY DINNER!! Mama Met had to go pick up Zion (my little brother from another mother!) She put the older ones (Tomeika, Tesfa, Kiyah, and I) in charge of getting dinner started!! This was definitely going to be an interesting sunday dinner!!

 I was in charge of baking the tilapia!! :) Mama Met seasoned it yesterday so, all I had to do was oil the pan, lay the fish in, put aluminum foil over the pan, and throw it in the oven!!
Just call me...Chef BoyarV!!  #justsaying

 Next, Kiyah was in charge of cooking rice! She had to wash the rice about 3 times and put it in the cooker! Once she finished, she helped shave potatoes! I haven't known Kiyah for long but I feel like we've known each other for years!!  #sisters
Mission...SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED (thanks to the rice cooker)lol
This was the Head Chef...Tesfa! He doesn't agree with the idea of WEARING shirts! This was the only way to get a picture of him, I'm guessing this is for the single, young ladies! Anyway, Tesfa knows what he's doing when it comes to the kitchen! Basically, he told us how to do everything and we followed his orders. (something I'm not used to) While making sure we didn't screw up anything, his job was to cut vegetables and put them on the stove.
"What you see is what you get." And this is what Tomeika did!lol She was supposed to be helping cut up vegetables! #I'mtellingMamaMet Tomeika started out shaving carrots, so they could get chopped up...the funny thing is, when she finished shaving there was NO CARROT left to be chopped!!lol
She wasn't that bad! However, we realized that carrot shaving was not for Tomeika!! So, she became our photographer!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It was a beautiful warm day in Luton, England! I went and got my hair done at Minister Ramsay's shop. I felt like a new person when I walked out of there! (I had a NEW attitude!!) After getting my hair done, I headed back to Mama Met's house. She also made me french toast for breakfast (i requested) with bananas on top (no strawberries, but it was still good!) The plan for the evening was to have a girls night! Minister Ramsay, Tomeika(daughter), Mama Met(my London mother), and I!! We went to grab a bite before the movies. We tried to go to Nando's but the wait was exhausting. We ended up going to Tasties! They're known for their chicken but I decided to go with a nice cheeseburger and chips(french fries). We went to go see X-Men First Class. While there Pastor Ramsay, showed up. #nolongergirlsnight lol Anyway, we all  enjoyed the movie; except Mama Met fell asleep towards the end! #bestpart (Don't take her to a late movie!! #epicfail)
 Earlier that day
 Movie theatre, arcade, bowling, and a semi-food court!

 X-Men was amaZing!!

 Best slushie I ever had!!
So nice!! 

"War...What is it good for...ABLSOUTELY NOTHING!!"

 Imperial War Museum!

Follow the stars and you will go FAR!!

I would DEFINITELY be at the END! #don'thate

There is no way I could've stayed in there! NO WAY!!


It was truly a TRENCH EXPERIENCE! It was dark, they had sound effect, and  it had a strong odor! Those people seem so real!

This place was SCARY!!

Nelson Mandela!! We have the SAME birthday!! July 18th!!

Le Fleur est tres belle!!
We need this in The States! It comes in chocolate or white chocolate!! Guess which one I chose...
Mmmm, white chocolate!!
That bird sat there the ENTIRE time!! Just sitting...I'm starting to think it was....was...TANNING!!