Thursday, June 2, 2011


 Just got off the tube! Next stop, WORK! I took a few snaps of the area where I work! As you can see, it was cloudy today!!
 The Hilton can go international but NOT WALMART!! #what'supwiththat
 My tube station!!
 I don't know about pedaling one but I know I wouldn't mine riding one! Lose the sign and add some rhinestones!!
 Most of the hair salons will have Unisex on them! That bothers me...I feel it's unecessary!! #justsaying
 This market is here EVERYDAY!!! I despise that they sell raw fish! It smells everytime I walk by...and it just hits you ALL of a SUDDEN!
 This is the ONLY water I buy!! I saw it in America so, I figured it MUST be safe to drink!!
 Esso= Wanna be Exxon!!
 They have nail salons here!! Some of you may think "Duh!" but I thought it was pretty cool!!
 Just a block away from work!!
 This is my co-worker Nick and he is from Cypress! He has been really nice and has schooled me a little on London life and I've schooled him on American life!! It's because of him that I'm going to try a Kebab(Greek cuisine).
 This is Martin and he is from Cypress as well. Martin is cool...AND he likes 50 cent/ G-Unit!! I would've never thought he knew about them! There are three other people in the area but I didn't get a chance to take a picture of them. But I will before I leave!! They welcomed me with open arms and laughs! They don't treat like an American but as a HUMAN BEING! And I love all of them for it!! These are some amaZing people God has blessed me to work with!
 More deliveries!! To the West End...
 But FIRST...we have to catch the tube...I'm waiting...waiting...still waiting...
Here it comes!!! YAAAAAYYY!!

Overall, this was a very productive day! I didn't get all the details just yet, but I have to put together a powerpoint presentation for one of my co-workers who will be presenting to Disney in China! Sooo cool! Today, was filled with fabric swatching, pattern filing, cost sheet filing, and preparing deliveries. Later on in the day, Kirsten(intern from SCOTLAND) and I went to the West End to drop off some samples! After we finished, we went to grab a bite to eat! If you know me, you know that I can be very indecisive! (Shout out to all those who put up with ME!) Anyway, after about 15 minutes of  trying to "think while hungry" (very dangerous and should be done with caution), Kirsten and I decided on "Pret A Manger!" Hannah, from UT, is obsessed with this place and raves about it all the time! So, I was pretty excited to see what is was all about! When I walk in, I see nothing but sandwiches!! (I'm expecting pasta or something!) Sandwiches...sandwiches...and more cold/some hot sandwiches! Sheesh! After 15 more minutes of hungry thinking, I decided on the Italian Pizza wrap! That is what everyone recommended, since I didn't want any sandwiches with mayo(most of them had it on them), the duck sandwich, egg sandwich(what's a sandwich w/o meat! OBSURD!), etc. I would finish writing the rest of my day but I'm tired and I'm going to put pictures up from Friday! #randominterruptionoflaziness

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