Thursday, June 9, 2011

The END...of MAY!!

I don't have any pictures for this day but I'm just going to give you an overview of my day at work. This is going to be rough week for my hair...I'm so glad I have a beanie and a golf hat! #desperatetimescallfordesperatemeasures Today, my main job was organizing different clientele folders. The other interns and I had to take everything out and reorganize everything by  the following divider headings: cost sheets, photos of garments, development packs, sketches, correspondence, and something that I don't remember! Before I got on this tasks, I had to do some pattern filing and swatching. If you don't know what swatching is...It's when you take the fabric samples that have been mailed in, cut a sample from it, staple it to paper, and put it in the different fabric books. Also, I ate my jerk chicken and rice today for lunch and it was sooo good! Mmmm... There were about 15 binders that needed organizing so, that basically took up the rest of my day.

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