Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It was a beautiful warm day in Luton, England! I went and got my hair done at Minister Ramsay's shop. I felt like a new person when I walked out of there! (I had a NEW attitude!!) After getting my hair done, I headed back to Mama Met's house. She also made me french toast for breakfast (i requested) with bananas on top (no strawberries, but it was still good!) The plan for the evening was to have a girls night! Minister Ramsay, Tomeika(daughter), Mama Met(my London mother), and I!! We went to grab a bite before the movies. We tried to go to Nando's but the wait was exhausting. We ended up going to Tasties! They're known for their chicken but I decided to go with a nice cheeseburger and chips(french fries). We went to go see X-Men First Class. While there Pastor Ramsay, showed up. #nolongergirlsnight lol Anyway, we all  enjoyed the movie; except Mama Met fell asleep towards the end! #bestpart (Don't take her to a late movie!! #epicfail)
 Earlier that day
 Movie theatre, arcade, bowling, and a semi-food court!

 X-Men was amaZing!!

 Best slushie I ever had!!
So nice!! 

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